Shmuel Shamir Law Firm
Experience. Dedication. Results.

About the firm
The Shmuel Shamir Law Firm has been providing legal services for over sixty years.
We are a full service firm providing our clients services in the areas of civil law.
Our firm consists of four experienced attorneys and a large team of seven legal assistants.
Since the 1950s, our firm has specialized in the fields of property and real estate throughout Israel, with a special emphasis on the Jerusalem area. Over the years, the firm has developed an umatched legal library which serves as a unique source of knowledge pertaining to land in Jerusalem, and a substantial portion of the information in the library is based on comprehensive research of documents dating back to the Ottoman rule and the British Mandate.
Over the years, the firm has handled thousands of complex files in the field of property law, with a special expertise in locating property owners, proof of ownership, contracts, sale contracts and disputes. The firm is reputed for its proficiency in the field of property taxation, including tax planning, betterment levies and claims for property depreciation.
Some of our firm's prominent clients include heirs of the Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie, for whom our firm serves as estate administrator, successful representation of the Nachalot Israel Society before the Israeli Supreme Court in the court case involving the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, the millitary committees regarding lands in the west bank, the Sephardic Community Committee in Jerusalem, the heirs of Nissim Elyashar and the estate of Sima Belilios.
The firm has had contacts and represented arabs in the western bank and appeared in military cases againts arabs.
The firm is located in close proximity to the Land Registry office in Jerusalem (the Tabu) and maintains daily contact with the Israeli Land Registrar, registration clerks, the Land Registration Controller, and land settlement officers, among others.
Over the years, the firm has also developed two additional specialties in the field of employee rights, including foreign workers' rights, and expertise in filing tort claims against the State, and has initiated groundbreaking activity in these fields. It has advanced new legal case precedents and, on many occasions, has reached the Supreme Court and successfully obtained favorable precedent-setting decisions for its clients.
Our firm specializes in tort claims against insurance companies and has, in recent years, developed an expertise in filing class action suits and handling matters in the area of administrative law vis-a-vis municipalities and local authorities.
The firm boasts an extensive network of strategic alliances with law firms in the US and Europe, which enables it broader access and the ability to conduct legal activity in these countries, based on the needs of its clients.
Debt collection in Israel is known to be a complicated and difficult matter. As part of its activity over the years, the firm has developed numerous abilities and expertise in the field of debt collection for its clients. The firm employs a large team of experts, both internal and external, who initiate collection proceedings vis-a-vis the Enforcement Authority and the Execution Office (bailiffs office). The team has special expertise in locating debtors and service of documents to them, and has extensive experience searching for and locating the property of these debtors and instituting legal proceedings to collect the debt. The firm has succeeded in collecting debts for its clients which had been considered lost for years before being handled by the firm.
The firm has established an outstanding reputation representing clients in Jerusalem and throughout Israel and the world for more than fifty years. The firm is proud of its ability to offer its clients the personal service characteristic of a generations-old family firm, together with the precise and professional service provided by talented attorneys, a large team of legal assistants and multi-national strategic alliances.
The Firm Founder
R.I.P Advocate Shmuel Shamir (1923-2022)
Shmuel Shamir was born in 1923 to a long living heritage of Jerusalem (he was the 15th generation born in Jerusalem), and has started working in a law firm in 1939 under advocate David Goitein.
Shmuel was a graduate of the first class of the Hebrew University's faculty of law, and practiced law throughout his whole life.
In addition to his experience in law, Shmuel was one of the heads of the Sephardic Jewish committee, and even acted for a short while as the head of the committee. Shmuel has participated in the elections for the Knesset, and was involved in many political and volunteering operations. He has researched and loved Jerusalem, and wrote many articles about it, some of which were published in different books and magazines.
During his 68 years of experience as an active lawyer, Shmuel has managed trials in many different areas of the law. Among the trials, were many historical trials, such as the dispute over Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, the Touro Hekdesh (trust), which founded the neighborhood of Mishkanot Sheananym, the Sima Balilious Hekdesh, treating the cemeteries in the Mount Of Olives, and many more. Similarly, Shmuel worked and managed a significant portion of the societies public personalities who built and purchased grounds in Jerusalem during the british rule (for example Nachalat Ramat Israel and Nachalat David). Shmuel has also mapped the old city of Jerusalem, and managed the return of properties to Jewish owners. At the same time, Shmuel has represented many citizens of Judea and Samaria, and kept close contact with many citizens of the West Bank

Get in Touch
Shmuel Shamir Law Firm
3 Mazia Drive, Jerusalem, Israel
Zip code 9456201
TEL : +972 02-625-3243 (From U.S. : 1-646-878-9035)
FAX : +972 02-624-4591
E-Mail : office@shamirlaw.co.il